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Do I have to bring my baby with me?

No, only if you have a copy of baby's birth certificate, verification of birth facts, or another document with baby's full name AND date of birth. Please call us at 713.528.6044 for more information.


If you do not have something with baby's name and date of birth on it, you must bring baby with you. 



Will I need any money?

No. Our service is completely free.

What brands of formula are available?

We purchase the HEB store-brand of formula. The generic formula is a more cost-effective choice. Most major grocery stores and drug stores have a generic version of formula.


All infant formula is regulated by the United States Food and Drug Administration and must contain all the necessary ingredients for healthy growth and development. We stock formula that is nutritionally complete and safe. We would use it for our own families. 



My baby uses a formula for medical needs. Is that available? 

Yes. We carry a wide variety of formulas for medical needs.

These include:

Similac Neosure

Enfamil Enfacare

Similac for Spit-Up

Enfamil AR

Similac Alimentum

Enfamil Nutramigent

Similac Elecare

Nutricia Neocate


If you don't see what you need, please call us at 713.528.6044 for more details. 


Frequently Asked Questions

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Fax: 713-528-3802

Find us: 

2002 S Wayside
Houston, TX 77023

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As required by policy and ethical standards, LIFE Houston ensures that all employees, officers, directors, and trustees disclose any conflicts of interest on an annual basis. All forms are on file and available for public viewing at our St. Austin site. Please contact our office if you have any questions about our conflict of interest policy.

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