Infant Nutrition Information
Our work at L.I.F.E. Houston today helps create the leaders of our community tomorrow.
Babies need a strong start in life because it lays the foundation for their entire future. The basic structure of a human brain is built through a process that starts before birth and goes on through adulthood. Like building a house, you start with laying down the foundation, framing the rooms, and wiring the electrical systems.
Just like a foundation forms the shape of a building, a baby’s early experiences literally shape how the baby’s brain is built. Babies with a strong start in life have a strong foundation to build on. If a baby does not have the chance to build a strong foundation, they are more likely to have developmental and behavioral problems later in life.
Breastmilk and formula help build a stronger foundation because they have necessary fats and nutrients for early brain development. By making sure all babies have access to formula, we make sure that babies have the ingredients for a strong start.
Did you know?
The brain grows more in the first two years of life than at any other period of time.
Inadequate nutrition during early childhood can impede brain development and has lasting effects on a child’s ability to learn.
For the first two years of life, 50% of a child’s total calories should come from fat. Breast milk or formula provides the necessary fat and nutrients.
When formula is not available, some parents may water down baby formula or substitute other non-nutritious liquids. These liquids can compromise a child’s healthy development and in some extreme cases, lead to death.
According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, breast milk or formula should be a child’s sole nutritional source for the first four to six months and the major source of nutrition throughout the first year.

About baby's nutrition...
Newborn - 1 Month
Exclusive Breastfeeding or Formula Feeding
BREAST MILK - every 2-3 hours, or 6-8 feedings per day
FORMULA - every 3-4 hours, or 6-8 feedings per day, 2-3 oz per feeding
1 - 4 Months
Every 4-5 hours, or 5-6 feedings per day 6-8 oz per feeding
4 - 6 Months
4-6 Feedings daily
Maximum of 32 oz per day
4 months infant can try cereal
6 months infant is ready for strained vegetables and fruit (single ingredients)
7 - 9 Months
6-8 oz
24-30 oz total per day
Stage 2 baby food (strained combination foods)
*Introduce juice at 6 months (Give 3-4 oz of juice with a cup)
**8 months introduce foods that have more texture
10 - 12 Months
6-8 oz
3-5 feedings daily
24 oz per day
Stage 3 baby food (complex combination foods)

About baby's feeding...
About baby's activities...
Newborn - 3 Months
Sleeps a lot, but does not really have a schedule.
Goes though six to ten diapers per day. It is a good practice to change diaper as soon as it is wet or soiled.
At one month, follows moving faces with my eyes.
4 - 6 Months
Rolls over.
Grabs things and puts them in mouth.
Shakes things and listens to the sound they make.
Recognizes familiar faces, voices and objects.
Babbles a lot and tries to imitate sounds.
7 - 9 Months
Imitates the sounds heard inspiring learning.
Sits up and crawls or move forward by scooting.
Teeth may be coming in. Clean gums and teeth twice a day.
Keep me safe as I explore my world and our home with my hands and mouth.
Move toys from hand to hand.
10 - 12 Months
Shake, bang, throw and drop objects.
Saying one or two words and repeating them often.
Look at pictures in books and magazines and pay attention when someone reads.
Love to shake head
Newborn - 5 Months
When hungry:
Wakes and tosses
Sucks on fists
Opens mouth
When full:
Seals lips
Turns head away
Decreases or stops sucking
Spits out nipple
Falls asleep
When full:
Decrease or stops sucking
Spits out nipple
Turns head away
Gets distracted
Stops paying attention
When hungry:
Shows smiles during feeding
Gazes into eyes
Moves head towards food
Tries to swipe food into mouth
4 - 6 Months
When full:
Slows down when eating
Pushes food away
When hungry:
Reaches towards the food or spoon
Points to food
5 - 9 Months
When full:
Slows down eating
Closes mouth tightly
Pushes food away
When hungry:
Reaches for food
Points to food
Gets excited when food is seen
8 - 11 Months
When full:
Shakes head to say “no more”
When hungry:
Makes words or sounds to show wanting specific foods
10 - 12 Months